Issue types

Epic Issue type

Ativo programs uses Jira Epics to save features of programs.Some Jira instances modify the default epic issue type. In order to let Ativo Programs function properly with modified Epic Issue Types, the Jira Administrator should set the Epic Issue Type in the Ativo Administration screen.

Configure the Epic Issue Type

To configure the Epic Issue Type as a Jira Administrator:

  • Go to the Apps (Add-on) Jira Administration page

  • Click on Issue Types in the left navigation bar

  • Select the Epic issue type

  • Click on Save

If left blank, the application will assume the default id for the epic issue type.

If the epic issue type is not defined and the default can not be used, the following error message is shown:

The Epic Issue Type is not set. Ask your Jira admin to select it in Jira settings > Manage Apps > Ativo Programs > Issue Types

Last updated