
A team is a closely collaborating group of people, contributing to one or more programs (release trains).

Only Ativo Programs for Jira administrators can create, edit and delete teams (more info).

Ativo Agile Programs for Jira uses its own team configuration (Jira cloud also has team definitions, but these do not contain the information necessary for the application. Sorry 🧑).

Create a team

To create a new team:

  • Open Ativo Programs

  • Click on Settings and then on Teams

  • Click on the Create Team button

  • Fill in the configuration information (see below)

  • Click Create

  • Click Submit (on the main team overview page)

Configure a new team:

  • Team name - used as a label, e.g. on the program board.

  • Team key - used when importing / exporting data. Choose something meaningful.

  • Mode - set to Scrum or Kanban. With scrum, a team will plan stories in sprints. With Kanban, the due date field is used instead to map stories to sprints at program level.

  • Estimation - set to Story Points, Man Days or No estimations, depending on how the team estimates work. Each team can use its own estimation method. Totals at feature and program level will be consolidated with a standard conversion rate of 1 MD = 1SP for teams using man days, and 1 ticket = 1 SP for teams not using estimations.

  • Jira filter (scope) - let Ativo know which Jira issues the team is working on. the scope can be defined as a Jira projects (in case each team has a separate project), or a more complex filter in case teams are working on multiple projects, or are sharing Jira projects.

If you haven't decided on how to structure team scopes yet in Jira, we suggest to use a β€œone Jira project per team” configuration. This allows you to create flexible and agile workflows for each team.

Delete a team

Deleting a team will remove the team from all programs and all periods. A team deletion cannot be undone.

To delete a team:

  • Click on the delete button (πŸ—‘οΈ) for a team.

  • Confirm you want to delete the team.

  • Click on submit

Last updated